Friday, May 18, 2012

Choosing an Autoresponder

Choosing an Autoresponder Provider
There are dozens of autoresponders to choose from, perhaps thousands if you count all of the small providers and self-hosted solutions. It can be tough to decide which provider to use.
There are several very popular providers to choose from, and it’s really a very good idea to go with one of them instead of a smaller provider. Larger providers have good relationships with various ISPs, which helps ensure a better deliverability rate. If no one receives your emails because they’ve been caught in a spam filter, your results will obviously be very poor. Choosing one of the popular providers will make it easier to ensure deliverability.
Pricing can vary considerably between different providers. It’s important to anticipate how many people you will likely add to your list to decide which provider is the most affordable. Most of them price based on how many people you have on your list, so you can start out small and expand as you need to.
You may also want to look at the various features each offers. Some offer different tracking features, and ways to analyze your results. This can help you improve your mailings and get better results from each one.
Perhaps the most popular autoresponder service among internet marketers is This service has a moderate price, plenty of features, and is relatively simple for beginners to use.
Another great service provider is which is very similar to, with similar pricing and features. It is also a very simple system to use, making it another good choice for newbies.
One provider that has recently come into popularity is Many people have flocked to this system because it’s free up to 2,000 leads, but you must read their rules carefully. Many marketers have failed to do so and lost their lists because they participated in affiliate marketing, which Mail Chimp forbids in their terms. As long as you’re willing to follow their rules, they make a good started solution and are very reasonably priced.
Good Luck!  
Cecil McQueen