Saturday, May 14, 2011

How Can I Save My Relationship When My Lover Wants to Breakup?

The pain of finding out that the love of your life wants to breakup can be overwhelming. You're hurt, humiliated, sad, scared, lonely and even angry. You might be wondering, “How can I save my relationship?” After all, this is a relationship that you've put your heart and soul into, with someone you care deeply about. You want to stay together, not live apart.

Don't despair. Your relationship can remain intact, and even become stronger if you learn the right things to do to make it happen. Surprisingly, there are many things – simple things – that you can do to regain the interest of your partner, to get him or her to respond lovingly to you and want to be with you and only you. You just have to know what those things are.

As humans we respond in a positive manner to certain things and in a negative manner to certain other things. You want to get a positive response from your spouse or significant other – one that means that they want to be with you just as much as you want to be with them.

How can you do that? You simply need to learn what others already know about saving a relationship. When you do that, you can feel hopeful and confident that your relationship will remain intact and even grow stronger.

If you're worrying to yourself, “How can I save my relationship?” - the answer is in finding the right techniques to re-attract your love and keep him or her interested in you and only you – for the rest of your lives.

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